Due to Covid19 fear, I feel heavy for my body and mind, worrying about my life/future. Wanna be lighter and uplifted.

Benefits of HGI

This site urgently provides you how to become Holistic Gourmet, healthier but delicious food-lover, who like Asian vegetarian food/diet. Why Asian vegetarian? Asians tend to enjoy slim bodies and younger-looking because we are traditionally veggie-friendly with rice and soy-protein.

If you are Asian food-lover aged 40+, let’s tidy your kitchen and food, resulting in lighter body and life. You could self-learn about the Asian Vegetarian Basics as shown below.

Tidy your kitchen

The Japanese spirit like trendy Konmari‘s organizing method to focus on LOVE feelings could be applied for tidying kitchen/food. It is not minimalism but simplicity influenced with Japanese ZEN and SINTO as well as Asian BUDDHISM. It is, however, not religious but spiritual and scientific/practical.

Lighter body and life

When you feel heavy in terms of body and/or your life, let’s declutter your kitchen and food. However, before starting it, let’s ask ourselves WHAT AND WHY I FEEL HEAVY? Is it because of my body, mind, and/or spirit? Identify your holistic problems.

Find ideal Diet

Regardless of your holistic problems, the final ideal food/diet is moving to be 80% vegetarian with moderation, according to the global history/trend. For the remaining 20%, we could enjoy eating anything such as junk food, animal meat, and whatever makes you feel happy.

Get the best recipes

We just need 10 basic vegan recipes which can be changed to many variations with your preference and creativity. Let’s start or imagine that we have just started a single ‘student’ living in a small apartment/city with nothing.

If your need more PERSONALIZED counseling and/or certificate course...

Certificate Course (mainly Online)


For who wants to begin vegetarians, learn unique and easy Asian vegetarian/vegan recipes via online meetups, counseling and/or mail counseling.


For who wants to start up food business as professional with certificates of
1) Instructor (Basic)
2) Chef (Intermediate)
3) Entrepreneur (Advanced)